Super Cute Box April 2017

Super Cute Box is a monthly subscription service that cute items, featuring at least one exclusive or an item from a small business

Plan Options:


  • One Off Trial plan – £18/$23.19  + shipping
  • Monthly plan – £16/$20.62 every month + shipping
  • 3 Month plan – £45/$57.98 every 3 months + shipping
  • 6 Month plan – £90/$115.97 every 6 months + shipping


*Shipping is free in the UK and worldwide shipping is £3/$3.87


Subscribers also receive a free charm and bracelet. On the website, it doesn’t state if it applies to new subscribers only.  But every month, there is a collectible charm for all subscribers. This is my first experience with Super Cute Box so I am prepared for the overload of Kawaii cuteness!



First look: The items were beautifully wrapped in a magenta tissue paper with the product card on top. The card contains the packaging list and cute artwork with a riddle on it:



“Why did the chic cross the swamp? To get to his family of crocodiles on the other side.”



This month’s collectible charm is Croc the Chic. If you were confused by the riddle on the product card, there is a bio for this little cutie:


“Meet Croc. His egg rolled out of its nest and to a nearby river. Since hatching, he’s been brought up by crocodiles and has no idea he’s not one himself!”



The next item is a pair of Cutie cat earrings. Subscribers will receive the earrings in black or gem encrusted gold. I always buy my clothing and accessories in black but I would love to see what the gold earrings look like.


We also received two Totoro items! The items are a Totoro plush purse and a pencil/makeup case



The Totoro plush purse is soft and the cutest thing ever! My Neighbor Totoro is an iconic Hayao Miyazak film so I’m happy that this was included in the month’s box.



The second Totoro item is a pencil/makeup case. It is small enough to fit small items for traveling. While the bag seems to be made from canvas, it is not as sturdy as most canvas bags.  However, it is strong enough to hold small items!



Next are PonyBrown Notebook Tabs. These stationary tabs are adorable and I love the motivation illustrations!



We received an “Unfortunately I have zero fox to give” birthday card by Stami Studios. The play on words is hilarious and it came at a perfect time since I have a few birthdays coming up!



Super Cute Box included chocolate eggs this month! I love it when I receive a surprise treat in a subscription box!  These eggs went perfect with Easter as well.



The last item is what I consider a big ticket item.  These are a pair of Sailor Moon socks! I grew up with Sailor Moon (thanks to a childhood friend) and it’s always exciting to see this anime series still being just as popular! I received Sailor Mercury and she is super cute! I’m not sure how many variations of Sailor Moon socks that Super Cute Box included, but so far, I’ve seen Sailor Mars and Sailor Moon. I would have died if they included Luna!  



Final thoughts: I really enjoyed Super Cute Box! This subscription is perfect for anyone who enjoys kawaii and cute anime icons. However, it is important to note that while they work with small businesses and artists, the items may or may not be licensed. I know this was an issue with another company in the same niche, but if you’re okay with the items not being branded, then I highly recommend this subscription service!  It is a great way to receive unique kawaii and anime items that aren’t sold everywhere.

*NOTE: The Box Reviewers received this box to review.